Author Archive Mark Davies

ByMark Davies

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan – then, now, and what happens next…

Schedule for the process from September 2019:

1. Submit to WPC for approval
2. Submit to SODC
3. Publish by SODC and start of 6 weeks Consultation
4. Consultation completed
5. The Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan, together with the outcome of the Consultation, submit for examination
6. Report from Examiner
7. Addition: Consultation on SODC proposed deviation from the Examiner’s recommendations
8. Referendum on the final (as of April 2021) version of the Plan (organised by SODC)

9. After the Referendum (held 06 May 2021)
10. Confirmation of referendum by SODC
11. Review of Plan by SODC and WNP
12. Design Guidance and Codes for the village
13. Updated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
14. Review of Plan and SEA published by WPC for 6 weeks pre-submission consultation
15. Preparation of Basic Conditions Statement (BCS)

16. Post pre-submission consultation update of Plan
17. Draft Review WNP published by SODC and start of 6 weeks Consultation
18. Post Consultation update of plan with SEA/BCS from WPC to SODC for Examination
19. Consultation by SODC on Draft Review WNP
20. Report from The Examiner
21. Pre Referendum Presentation and Q&A sessions – see below
22. Referendum on Review Version of WNP – see below
23. Hand over to the Parish and District councils

Article in February/March 2024 edition of ‘Wheatley News’

‘On 23 November 2023 the Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan Review was put to public Referendum by the Examiner, after 8.5 years work by the Committee.
The Neighbourhood Planning Process has certainly been long, but it was carried out by a well-informed and widely representative Committee.

When we started, we worked within the framework of the anticipated Local Plan.  Political changes in the county, however, prevented the Plan’s adoption, so we were advised to remove the Enhancement elements of our Plan (involving release of Greenbelt land) in order to gain approval for other parts of the Plan.
Once Local Plan LP 2035 was finally adopted, we by way of a Neighbourhood Plan Review, reintroduced the Enhancements and submitted our Review for Examination. When the Examiner was satisfied and WPC had given its approval, we submitted the Neighbourhood Plan Review to Referendum.
The Plan received  514 votes for and 72 votes against.
From now on, the Parish and District Councils can comment on and control Planning Applications on the basis of our Neighbourhood Plan which was created on behalf of this community.
Thanks from WNP Committee to local community members for their often publicly open encouraged to ‘keep going ‘, and to the 20+ WNP Committee members for that mix of tolerance, humour, gritty wisdom, and appreciation which brings home how valuable community meetings really are. My personal thanks to Roy Gordon, Vice-Chairman, for his support and company over these years.
                                                                             John Fox |Chairman WNP.’


Update as of 25 November 2023:

23 November Referendum – WNP Review ACCEPTED

Yes – 514
No – 72
Void – 1

With a 16.39% turnout

Statement from WPC:

“Wheatley Parish Council is please to announce that the local referendum to accept the enhancements to the Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan produced a positive result. Both Wheatley Parish Council and South Oxfordshire District Council, as the local planning authority will soon be able to use the revised plan and new design codes in their planning discussions and decision making processes. 


Wheatley Parish Council is grateful to the Neighbourhood Plan Committee, led by John Fox and Roy Gordon for getting us to this point and for their work over the last eight years. 

Wheatley Parish Council will continue to follow the developments of the Joint Local Plan between South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils and will consider when further reviews may be necessary, in the coming months or years.”


Update as of 08 November 2023:

21 August – after viewing WNDP sites, considering individual case statements and studying key documents, Examiner Andrew Ashcroft stated he was ‘…satisfied that WPC and its advisers have pursued this issue in a thorough and professional way.’  ‘I recommend to SODC, that subject to the incorporation of the modifications set out in this Report, the Wheatley Neighbourhood Development Plan Review should proceed to referendum…in Wheatley-Holton Neighbourhood Area.’

03 November Information made public by WPC, concerning forth coming referendum, on following poster: WNPposterWPC2023

For latest details of SODC Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan you can also go to / click on:

To come:

16 November – Merry Bells, Wheatley at 5, 6, and 7 pm Presentation and Q&A sessions

18 November – Merry Bells, Wheatley at 9, 10, and 11 am Presentation and Q&A sessions

23 November – Neighbourhood Plan Area (Wheatley and Holton) Referendum on Examiner’s Report – WNDP Review


Update as of 23 January 2023:

Here is a letter received from SODC concerning their Consultation on the Draft Review WNP which runs from Thursday 19 January to 11:59 pm Thursday 2 March 2023 SODCConsultationJan_Mar2023

The letter includes the following:

  • how to view documents
  • how to comment
  • next steps
  • notes on the use of personal data

Update as of 01 December 2022:

WNP responses to questions raised by the public during pre-submission consultation WNPR Community Responses, June-July 2022

Update as of 10 June 2022: 

WNPR Statement of Significance WNPRStatement of Significance_02

Update as of 01 June 2022:

The Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan Review (WNPR) is about to go to the next stage with the Regulation 14 pre-submission consultation from 3 June to 22 July. For more/ updated information see the following:

May 2022 Leaflet delivered to all households in Wheatley and Holton WNPRleafletMay2022

Design Guidance and Codes for the village WNP_document_v13
Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Appendix 5_WNPR SEA Environmental Report 010622 (2)
Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan WNP_document_v44_REVIEW_03

Comments are invited by 22 July 2022

Email :
Letter to: WNPR, Wheatley Parish Council Office, 89 High Street, Wheatley, OX33 1XP
                WNPR, HPC Office, Home Farm House, Holton OX33 1QA

Update as of 04 February 2022:

20 May Following an Independent Examination and a positive referendum result Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by SODC

11 November Publication of ‘WNP Final Decision Statement’ by SODC. To see statement / other details follow the link noted under ‘Update as of 17 June 2021:’

May – December Collaborated review of made plan completed by SODC and WNP

January ‘Design Guidance and Codes’ document received from AECOM  220201-Wheatley DDC_V2_LR

Update as of 17 June 2021:

The official referendum results were as follows:

  • Votes in favour of adopting the neighbourhood plan (YES vote): 1359
  • Votes against adopting the neighbourhood plan (NO vote): 189
  • Turnout : 42.79%

For more information go to:


Further information 30 April 2021:

This Question will be put to Referendum voters:
‘Do you want SODC to use the Neighbourhood Plan from Wheatley to help it
decide planning applications in the NP Area ?’
A ‘Yes’ vote requires a majority of one. A ‘No’ vote requires the same.

The Localism Act 2011 allows Review of an NP once it has been
‘made’ (validated) by a Referendum ‘Yes’ vote. The new Local Plan LP2035
[December 2020] allows what the Examiner removed, to be replaced,
(2 x Enhancements at Wheatley eastern end.) Mistakes will be amended,
updates made, and after public reflection, Consultation will be held.
An Examiner will then check the ‘Reviewed’ text to approve.

Update as of 23 March 2021:

Referendum to be held 6 May 2021

Lead up To Referendum: SODC Public Consultation (Jan-March 2021) on restoring the sections of WNP removed by Examiner in February 2020, had 14 respondents, mostly favourable. SODC had second thoughts and abandoned the idea altogether (see ).

The Examiner made many amendments and modifications to WNP, and what he issued in 2020 remains the text for Referendum in May 2021. For technical reasons he removed two WNP Enhancement sites [the Bungalows Community and Ms Tombs’ Field]. Both require Green Belt adjustment with Local Plan support, but the Examiner felt it would be too long before a Local Plan was in place for WNP to make major, but merely ‘hopeful’ proposals without one. (LP 2035 appeared in December 2020, almost a year later.) He did however leave the Enhancement of Littleworth hamlet and the cross-village Green Route in the text for Referendum. Most importantly, in Para 7.81 of his Report he stated ‘The two Enhancements which need Green Belt adjustment are too dependent on an LP which does not exist at the time of this Examination… Nevertheless, work on these allocations [Enhancements] could be updated once an NP has been adopted [made]’.

The following is the text from the poster supplied by SODC (posters for notice boards in the villages of Wheatley and Holton):


Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan


Thursday 6 May 2021

Voters can vote at the polling station, by post or by proxy. For information about registering to vote (deadline 19 April) and voting options please see:

South Oxfordshire District Council has published the specified referendum

documents on its website. These are:

  • Wheatley Neighbourhood Development Plan

  • Summary of the representations submitted to the Independent Examiner

  • Statement that the draft plan meets the basic conditions (decision statement)

  • Independent Examiner’s Report (appendix 2 of decision statement)

  • Information Statement and Information for Voters

These documents can be inspected on the Council’s website.

Go to

If you need help accessing the referendum documents, please call the District Council’s neighbourhood planning team

on 01235 422600 or email

Please help spread the word about the elections to those shielding or without access to the internet.


Update as of 15 January 2021:

The Examiner proposed that certain sections would be deleted from the submission version of the Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan. The South Oxfordshire District Council are now proposing to retain these sections as follows :

  • retain Section 10, which includes policy GBBA1
  • retain the following elements of section 11:
    • policies SPES1, SPES3, and SPES4
    • Supporting text of paragraphs 11.1 – 11.7, 11.12 – 11.13, 11.14 – 11.15, and 11.17 – 11.19

The consultation on the SODC proposal to deviate from the Examiner’s recommendation is now open and will last for a seven-week period from Friday 15 January until midnight on Friday 5 March 2021. 

All relevant documentation is available on the Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan page on South Oxfordshire District Council’s website at 

Paper copies of the document are available to view by appointment only. Please contact Michelle Legg, Clerk for Wheatley Parish Council, by emailing or calling 01865 875 615 to arrange to view the documents.

If you know anyone you think would be interested in this consultation, who is isolating or does not have access to the internet, we would appreciate your help in telling them about it. Please ask them to call the District Council on 01235 422425 or email to discuss the proposals and get support to access the consultation materials.

Update as of 03 June 2020:

11 February Andrew Ashcroft, Examiner, reported on Draft WNP noting proposed modifications.

17 February WNP committee responded to Examiner’s draft modifications. All the modifications were accepted.

28 February Examiner’s Report published. The Examiner praised the quality of the WNP and recommended it for Referendum.Wheatley Neighbourhood Development Plan – Examiner’s Report

05 March Whitehall released emerging LP 2034 to SODC conditionally.

06 March WNP Chairman and Vice-chairman met J.Howell MP concerning outside obstacles (state of emerging LP 2034 and OBU appeal).

08 April – by this date WNP Vice-chairman Roy Gordon and SODC Advisers had incorporated/implemented and published the Examiners modifications in WNP version 42. See in following link:

15 April WNP wrote to Robert Jenrick about OBU appeal but too late to be recorded in his verdict of 23 April. combined DL IR and R to C_Oxford Brookes University.pdf (1)

01 June WNP Committee Brief Update to WPC (virtual) meeting. WNP brief update to WPC 01 June 2020.

Update as of 16 January 2020:

Examination of WNP – completion is subject to the progress of the SODC Local Plan and the decision on the OBU appeal.

08 January WNP was notified of a letter from Robert Jenrick (Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government) sent to the leader of SODC, 07 January – see the following link:    

The letter reminds SODC of the Housing Minister’s previous letter, 09 October, directing SODC ‘not to take any step in connection with the Adoption of the [Local] Plan, while I consider whether to give a direction in relation to the Plan…My officers are working to gather evidence to support me to make a decision…(Letter P1, Para 1.]

Following this notification WNP Chair and vice-Chair (JF & RG) took advice and composed a letter to send to John Howell MP to ask for his intervention.

14 January The letter was sent to John Howell Howell0001 along with a copy of the letter from Robert Jenrick.

Update as of 13 December 2019:

20 November Examiner put 14 questions to WNP for Clarification – mainly on Policies but with some textual explanations too, and for wider comment. 12 December was the deadline but with extra offered if required. It was decided not to task the Committee with the work, which would have been unwieldy. Chair and vice-Chair (JF & RG) took on the task.

09 December RG and JF discussed their (independent) draft responses with SODC Advisers R. Rios and R. Tobutt for 3 hours. Examiner’s new deadline of 20 December for collating the two drafts into one gratefully accepted.

Update as of 30 November 2019:

In October All required documents/information were passed on, by SODC, to the appointed examiner Andrew Ashcroft.

19 November Andrew Ashcroft arranged a ‘Clarification Meeting’ with representatives from SODC, WPC, and WNP.

Update as of 01 November 2019:

18 October SODC consultation completed. Go to SODC website (link shown below) to see comments received, by SODC, during the publicity period.

Update as of 15 September 2019:

02 September WPC approval
03 September Submission to SODC
06 September Published by SODC and start of 6 weeks Consultation which finishes at 5 pm on 18 October 2019. To see all the documents submitted – the version of the Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan being WNP.01 – go to the following web page:

Update as of 31 August 2019:

The Final pre-Submission Consultation 07 May – 21 June 2019 was duly completed (see Evidence Base/Public Consultation for details).

Approximately 160 in total attended 4 events. 104 written responses were received and all were analysed with reference to the Draft WNP text.

Report made to Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils concerning responses submitted (see Evidence Base/ ‘Chairman’s Reports/attendance Parish Council (WPC/HPC) meeting’ 1 July 2019 for details).

The number of Statutory Bodies contacted during this Final Public Consultation was 36. Twenty -six of these acknowledged receipt and / or responded (see Evidence Base for link to details). 

On 28 August 2019 a meeting of WNP Committee endorsed the Draft NP version.


  Read More

ByMark Davies

The Road to Adoption

During 2019 there was a change in the political leadership of SODC resulting in the intervention of the Secretary of State and considerable delays to the preparation and adoption of the Local Plan LP2034. As a consequence, on 27 February 2020, the Examiner modified the already submitted WNP by removing three of the proposed Village Enhancements in eastern Wheatley. In the absence of an adopted Local Plan these proposals were considered inappropriate as they required Green Belt release. A fourth proposed Enhancement in Littleworth, requiring no Green Belt release, was not modified.  In December 2020, 10 months after Examination, SODC and the Secretary of State reached agreement and the Local Plan, now LP2035, was adopted. Following Examination, the WNP was submitted to Referendum on 06 May, 2021, and ‘Made’ by a large majority of Wheatley and Holton residents.

ByMark Davies

LP2035 and the WNP Review

The SODC Local Plan LP2035, adopted in December 2020, conferred on made Neighbourhood Plans the ability to release Green Belt for development. So, with the support of SODC, the WNP Committee undertook a Review of the WNP during 2021. This Review now reinstates the three Village Enhancements that were part of the original proposals together with a new Design Guidance and Codes for development. The first draft of this Review (WNPR) has now been completed and the associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), required by NPPF policy, is at present being reviewed by statutory bodies. Once the SEA is completed then, together with the WNPR, they will be submitted to the residents of Wheatley and Holton for a Regulation 14 Pre-submission Consultation. Further information about this Consultation will be available in June 2022.

ByMark Davies

The Evidence Base for the Draft Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan…and Beyond

The evolution of the Neighbourhood Plan since January 2016 has required many meetings, discussions, workshops, reports, surveys and responses, as well as much research and listening. Documentation covering all of this has been placed in the Evidence Base below to demonstrate what has been needed/undertaken to reach pre-Submission Final Public Consultation, May-June 2019. All detail in this list as well as hard-copy archived evidence will be submitted along with Final Draft Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan to the Independent Examiner. After this any further applicable/required documentation/ updates will be added to this Evidence Base in the pursuit of The Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan. (Updated 6 February 2022)



EB WNP Summary of Key Steps

EB WNP Committee Minutes

EB Chairman’s Reports/attending Parish Council (WPC/HPC) meetings

EB Meetings / Contacts with SODC

EB Meetings / Contacts with OCC

EB Brookes Information for Stakeholders

EB Workshop

EB Open Days

EB Conversations

EB Public Consultations

EB Responses from Statutory Bodies

EB Research / Surveys

EB Maps

EB Miscellany

EB Confidential Issues Register

EB WNP Summary of Key Steps

In the first months, January-July 2016, WNP Committee and its 5 Working Groups [Administration; Housing and :Land; Community and Business; Infrastructure; Communication] met at least monthly. The WPC Annual Meeting of 20 April 2016 formally opened the Neighbourhood process. On 01 June 2016, the Draft Local Plan Allocations changed: Oxford Brookes became a Strategic Allocation Site, while the Larger Village Allocation to Wheatley was dropped. In the readjustment period, it was decided to complete the Straw Poll of May-June 2016 and the Statutory Housing Needs Survey (contracted out to Community First Oxfordshire), together with a Community Opinion Survey appended by WNP.

From September 2016 the Committee met around every 6-10 weeks whilst the Housing and Land Use sub-Committee met more frequently. A Project Team including community representatives sent by Holton Parish, held 8 workshops (28 hours of discussion), November 2016-May 2017. A resulting First Draft Neighbourhood Plan (v.19) was tabled at the WNP Committee, 22 February 2017. After SODC published its Draft Local Plan 2033 [Preferred Sites 2] on 29 March 2017 the WNP Project Team held its 8th workshop (02 May 2017) and presented the First Draft Neighbourhood Plan to its Qualifying Body Wheatley Parish Council, and to Holton PC, on 08 May 2017. This draft was also sent to all the Statutory Bodies (one of which being SODC). Eight weeks of Public Consultation (extended from a statutory six weeks due to snap General Election) followed up to 30 June 2017.

In November 2017 WNP appealed to SODC Planning Committee to keep in its Draft Local Plan the ‘Enhancements’ in Wheatley proposed in our first Draft WNP. After observations that it was ‘a refreshing and positive use of a Neighbourhood Plan’, Councillors voted to retain it in the Draft LP. Also in November 2017 SODC stated the requirement on the WNP of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). This was authorised in December 2017 then contracted out in January 2018 to AECOM Ltd. It was presented to WPC and HPC in late August 2018 in which AECOM Ltd described the WNP Draft Plan as ‘backed by environmental considerations’, a major step in Plan acceptability.

2018 to April 2019 saw a period of intense discussion between SODC advisers and WNP Committee members, right up to the start of pre-Submission Final Consultation.  Other documents in support of the Draft WNP were either contracted or improved upon. Twice the WNP Committee gave its considered written responses to (1) Outline, and then (2) Amended Outline Planning Proposals from Oxford Brookes University Agents (GVA). Responses were also sought twice by SODC from WNP Committee, from Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils and from the WNP community, to the new Draft Local Plan 2034 prior to its Submission. After a purdah period leading up to Local Elections, 02 May, WNP Committee begins Final Public Consultation 07 May – 21 June 2019.

Six weeks and 4 days of Final pre-Submission Public Consultation, 07 May-21 June, 2019, saw publicity in 2000 Wheatley Newsletters with articles plus 2000 (unavoidably) amended flyers which also outlined in a single side the basics of a Neighbourhood Plan. Required Documents  at this stage (3/8) were the current Draft NP, plus two Appendices on Wheatley Character and Site Selection. A single email response address was publicised and Parish Office addresses for written responses. Hard copies of the 3 documents were available in both Parish Offices, both community centres and in Wheatley Public Library. SODC also advised we contact 29 ‘community supporting’ groups.

WPC were formally consulted at their meetings  07 May and 03 June; Wheatley Parish Annual Meeting hosted NP display and discussion; NP Committee visited new residents of Mill Green personally with a welcome to Wheatley and an invitation to Public Consultation events; similarly a visit was paid to The Bungalows;  Holton Parish Annual Meeting hosted the NP display and discussion; WNP held an Open Evening with addresses from Councillors, SODC Adviser, a display and discussions which included land interests and residents (50-60 attended); a day’s NP Surgery was also held (60+ attended).

36 Statutory Bodies were contacted with full documentation, (10 responded fully, 10 acknowledged, 16 ‘no response’). 3/112 written responses opposed the WNP, while 109 supported, while adding accompanying concerns. Shortly after the Final Consultation ended, SODC Planning Committee voted 8:0 with one abstention against the OBU proposal for 500 homes (28 November 2018). Some 40 villagers attended the meeting and councillors spoke. Following an appeal by OBU to the SODC  planning judgement a Public Inquiry was held 22 – 31 October 2019. The Secretary of State has reserved final judgement.

On 02 September, the Final Draft WNP with its 8 required Appendices (Wheatley Character; Site Selection; Housing Needs Assessment; Site Base Development Appraisal; Environmental Report; ER (non-tech. summary version; Basic Conditions Statement; Consultation Statement.) was presented to WPC for approval, then forwarded by WPC to SODC for their Public Consultation 06 Sept. – 18 Oct.

An Examiner, Andrew Ashcroft, has been invited to Examine the WNP and its documentation.

On 19 November 2019 Mr Ashcroft walked the WNP Map Area, and met WPC, HPC and WNP Committee members along with SODC advisors for 2 hours of  ‘Clarification’. In December he asked for more clarification about public response to NP text, then in February asked the Committee to respond to the modifications he believed were necessary for the WNP to meet the challenge of ‘outside obstacles beyond its control’, namely Whitehall’s retention of authority over emerging LP 2034 and the absence of any result for the OBU 500 homes appeal. Once WNP Committee had responded, after its meeting on 17 February,  to Mr Ashcroft he published his Examiner’s Report on 28 February. He praised the quality of the WNP and recommended it for Referendum. In March SODC officers and Roy Gordon, vice Chairman WNP Committee, worked together to integrate and implement the Examiner’s required changes leading to  the production of  WNP version 42 (pre Referendum)  by 08 April 2020. [ref:].

On 23 April 2020 OBU Appeal for Outline Planning Permission was upheld by Secretary of State for Housing.

In the June/July 2020 edition of the Wheatley Newsletter WPC as Qualifying Body for WNP,  placed an article saying that it could not identify legal reason why the Appeal should not be granted. It also pledged to reinstate the Village Enhancement Plan [VEP] into the WNP, once Local Plan LP2034 has been adopted. It also insists that Holton PC and Wheatley PC be kept in full consultation about the OBU development and pledges to scrutinise the Air Quality Concerns of the community brought to its attention.

On 01 June 2020 WNP Committee Reported to WPC for its (virtual COVID 19 lockdown) monthly meeting.

The Covid 19 pandemic (late 2019 to beyond February 2022) led to a delay in having the Referendum. This eventually took place on 06 May 2021 with 87.8% of votes in favour of adopting the neighbourhood plan (42.79% turnout). The Examiner modified WNP was then ‘made’ by SODC, and following the adoption of the SODC Local Plan in December 2020, this paved the way for a review of the WNP including the reinstatement of the enhancements removed on the Examiner’s advice. The Draft Review was completed by the end of 2021. To update and help shape/influence local development the document ‘Wheatley Design Guidance and Codes’, commissioned by WNP Committee from AECOM via Locality, was appended to the Draft Review WNP in January 2022. On 01 June 2022 the latest versions of the WNP Review, Strategic Environmental Assessment, and Design Guidance and codes documents were placed on the WNP website for viewing in preparation for the pre-submission consultation 03 June to 22 July. (Updated 02 June 2022)

EB WNP Committee Minutes

EB Chairman’s Reports / attendance Parish Council (WPC/HPC) meeting

The following entries are for meetings of the WPC (unless otherwise stated). The reports attached were presented/sent to WPC and HPC. Initially the WPC meetings were bi-monthly this changed to monthly starting on the 5th June 2017. The minutes of the WPC meetings can be found at :

Published Parish Newsletter Reports: ‘Wheatley Newsletter’ – delivered to all households in Holton and Wheatley and available on following link

April 2016 – June 2016 – August 2016 – October 2016 – December 2016

February 2017 – April 2017 – June 2017 – August 2017 – October 2017 – December 2017

February 2018 – April 2018 (report submitted but mistakenly not published – see WPC report)

June 2018 – August 2018 – October 2018 – December 2018 – February 2019 – April 2019 (including flyer concerning forthcoming Public Consultation) WNP Flyer March 2019_REG

June 2019 – August 2019 – October 2019 – December 2019 – February 2020 – April 2020 no physical copy of Newsletter available because of the COVID – 19 issue find electronic version at   Update: a physical copy was later produced and delivered to all households.

June 2020 – December 2020 – February 2021 – April 2021 – June 2021 –  October 2021 – December 2021 – February 2022 – April 2022 – June 2022 no report in actual  booklet but a separate  sheet inserted about the coming pre-submission consultation WNPRleafletMay2022 – August 2022 – October 2022 – December 2022 – February 2023 – April 2023 – June 2023 – August 2023 – October 2023 – February  2024

EB Meetings / Contacts with SODC

[A District Councillor sits on WNP Committee; another District Councillor represents Holton. Update: as of May 2019 there was no District councillor on the WPC committee]

EB SODC 1, 31 May 2016, Planners, PCs and NPs. ‘Secret & Confidential’ Preferred Sites – no minutes available just an announcement.

EB SODC 2, 16 Feb & 08 June 2016 NP Adviser attended at request of WNP Committee. Heavy questioning. See WNP committee minutes of 16 Feb and 8 June 2016.

EB SODC 3, 24 Jun 2016 Follow up 4 WNP reps at SODC with Adviser for clarifications. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

[August, SODC NP Adviser stood down]

EB SODC 4, 7 September 2016 WNP Committee question Planners x 2, 70 minutes, on Discrepancies EB SODC 4 WNP and Holton PC Chair question Plan Officers, 07 September 2016, summary.

EB SODC 5, 7 October 2016. Still seeking clarification WNP chair attended Brightwell meeting, with other NPs, SODC Chairman & RCOH Consultant. See WNP committee minutes of 27 October 2016 WNP at Combined NPs meeting – SODC and Indep Adviser Oct 2016

EB SODC 6, 6 December 2016. Meeting, at request of WNP, with SODC Chairman, Planning Officers & new Adviser EB SODC 6, WNP meet with SODC Chairman and new adviser, 06 Dec 2016

EB SODC 7, 20 January 2017. SODC set up meeting with county NPs. The Henley MP also attended. Nil to report save genteel ‘networking’.

EB SODC 8, 6 March 2017, 2 Planners, NP Adviser & 3 WNPs on draft WNP: surprise discussion. Nothing to report but led to emergency meeting of WPC/HPC 13 March 2017

EB SODC 9, 28 March 2017, large meeting (Confidential), to launch Preferred Sites 2, LP33, on 29/03. See SODC website via link:

EB SODC 10, 10 August 2017, WNP and NP Advisers 4 hr Workshop (minuted) – 10-08-2017 Meeting minutes and WNP_slides_for_10Aug_CIL

EB SODC 11, 11 December 2017, Screening Statement on the need for a SEA Wheatley NDP SEA Screening Authorisation

EB SODC 12, 20 March 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 13, 10 April 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 14, 24 April 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 15, 10 May 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 16, 19 June 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 17, 18 July 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 18, 1 August 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 19, 22 August 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 20, 12 September 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 21, 20 September 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 22, 2 October 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 23, 8 November 2018. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 24, 16 January 2019. WNP_Notes_SODC_Meeting_16Jan19 revised

EB SODC 25, 21 January 2019 SODC roadshow at Merry Bells Wheatley concerning LP2034. Many members of WNP committee/associates made comments on LP2034 WNP comments to LP 2034 – Evidence Base  Formal response from WNP 12 February 2019 WNP CommitteeResponse_LP2034

EB SODC 26, 18 April 2019. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 27, 7 August 2019. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 28, 2 October 2019. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 29, 15 October 2019. No minutes recorded just discussion on progress and what to do next.

EB SODC 30, 16 October 2020 WNP Committee Response to Public Consultation by Inspector of Draft LP 2034 LP2034_consultation_WNP Oct. 2020 Response_reg_02 Committee Draft.docx_1-1 (3)

December 2020 Further progress on the WNP was held up because of COVID, and various processes such as the situation with the SODC Local Plan – this was helped when LP2053 was adopted this month.

05 January – 05 March 2021 SODC consultation on “Deviation from Examiner’s Recommendation” was set up, following adoption of LP2045 and BEFORE WNP went to referendum, when SODC considered the reinstatement of the parts removed. This consultation was abandoned due to concerns that the reinstatement might be unsound legally.

06 May 2021 Referendum held – organised by SODC

20 May 2021 Following an Independant Examination and a positive referendum result Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan was ‘made’ by SODC

August 2021 SODC publish final version of WNP (once minor corrections, factual updates etc included)

EB SODC 31, September 2021 Start of collaboration on Draft Review WNP with SODC

EB SODC 32, 20 September 2021 SODC confirms funding available via Locality to commission AECOM to prepare Design Guidance and Codes as part of the WNP Review.

EB SODC 33, 26 October 2021 SODC provides advice and comments on WNP proposal to “safeguard” a Green Route in the village. A route has been outlined and from the pre-submission consultation we will see if it is supported.

11 November 2021 Publication of ‘WNP Final Decision Statement’ by SODC.

EB SODC 33, December 2021 Collaborated review of made plan completed by SODC and WNP

EB SODC 34, 07 January 2022 SODC confirms that WNP Review will need to be accompanied by a Modification Statement (this is the justification for the Review).

EB SODC 35, 11 January 2022, Draft of WNP Review submitted to SODC for “screening”.

EB SODC 36, 18 January 2022 SODC confirms that WNP Review will need a Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA). AECOM contacted and needs assessed.

EB SODC 37, 07 February 2022 SODC confirms funding approved via Locality for SEA and AECOM commissioned. Also, SODC confirms that WNP Review will need a Basic Conditions Statement (BCS – WNP to apply to Locality for funding) and a Consultation Statement (this is a report on the results of the pre-submission consultation which need to be held once all the WNP Review documents are ready).


EB Meetings / Contacts with OCC

EB OCC 1, 19 January 2018 first meeting with OCC WNP meeting with OCC, Traffic Infrastructure, 19 January 2018

EB OCC 2, 21 September 2018 email of questions sent to OCC. This is response letter OCC_Letter on Wheatley draft Neighbourhood Plan 9 October 2018

EB Brookes Information for Stakeholders

[initial Conversation and Correspondence, Chair WNP with OBU Estates, 11 & 18 Aug. – available on request]

  • Full meeting 28 September 2016. No minutes just to note attendance of meeting.
  • Full meeting November 2016. No minutes just to note attendance of meeting.
  • Full meeting 6 February 2017 [March 2017, OBU invite WNP to meet with Bilfinger, Agents for OBU]. No minutes just to note attendance of meeting.
  • Full meeting 8 May 2017 (Bilfinger / WNP first meeting after Workshop). No minutes just to note attendance of meeting
  • Progress Update Meeting for All 25 July 2017. No minutes just to note attendance of meeting.
  • WNP Committee response to GVA’s Outline proposal for the OBU site, February 2018 (see ‘SODC Planning Consultation Feb. 2018) WNP Committee Response to GVA Proposal Feb 2018 (2)_rg
  • WNP Response to amended OBU proposal WNP Response to Brookes Proposals, October 2018
  • Response directly to SODC website Response from Andrew Johnson to GVA.OBU 29 Oct 2018

The text below supersedes what is noted above following reappraisal of the evidence held by the WNP Committee in November 2019.

  • 11 August 2016 Letter received by WPC / WNP from OBU Estates Director to propose first Stakeholders meeting at OBU, 28 September 2016.
  • 28 September 2016 Meeting, 12 attendees (OBU 4; WPC 2; HPC 3; WNP 2; Waterperry 1). OBU had discussion with SODC, at SODC request, built area only; OBU estimate 300 houses on built area or 600+ for a development with flats. Local attendees ‘all expressed concerns re infrastructure and traffic’. WNP vice-Chairman RG made informal meeting notes. OBU to send record of their presentation to WPC clerk.
  • 5 November 2016 Environmental Impact Assessment for ‘approx. 750 units’, sought by OBU via SODC, for March 2017. WPC / WNP were informed.
  • 15 November 2016 WNP received fine-printed ‘REPORT’slides’ 28 September’ including OBU summarised response to community questions.
  • 6 February 2017 Second Meeting between OBU and Stakeholders.
  • 4 April 2017 WNP received ‘REPORT ‘slides’ 06 February’ including OBU summarised response to community questions. OBU publicise workshop for 8 May 2017.
  • 7 May 2017 WNP send Draft First WNP to OBU (J. Hodinott acknowledged), at start of WNP Public Consultation, 08 May – 30 June (8 weeks due to snap election).
  • 8 May 2017 OBU ‘workshop’ 10 – 12; plans shown; 5 WNP members attended: no follow-up.
  • 20 June 2017 Consultation and Exhibition event, OBU. To gather response to proposals. 22 June direct response to 20 June Exhibition from CH, WNP Committee Member. ResponseToOBV_GVA_CH_June2017
  • June 2017 GVA/OBU Response to First Draft WNP, during WNP Public Consultation 08 May – 30 June. GVA Response points summarised and discussed in WNP Committee Meeting 05 July 2017 [Minuted].
  • July 2017 WNP Committee full written response to 20 June Stakeholders meeting. WNP_Comments_OBU_PublicConsultation_July2017
  • 25 July 2017 OBU/GVA 2 hour meeting to discuss responses sought at 20 June meeting. 2 WNP members attended.
  • February 2018 WNP Committee response to GVA’s Outline proposal for the OBU site, February 2018 (see ‘SODC Planning Consultation Feb. 2018) WNP Committee Response to GVA Proposal Feb 2018 (2)_rg
  • October 2018 WNP Response to amended OBU proposal WNP Response to Brookes Proposals, October 2018
  • 29 October 2018 Response directly to SODC website by WNP Committee member Response from Andrew Johnson to GVA.OBU 29 Oct 2018

February 2022 – For further information on the situation concerning OBU go to page ‘Oxford Brookes Wheatley Site Update’.

EB Workshops

In addition to all the meetings, research etc. going on 8 workshops were also set up and completed. These involved 28 hours of discussion, were attended by the WNP Project Team (8) and 1-2 out of four (4) ‘ambassadors’ nominated by Holton P.C. and were held in Wheatley URC Chapel. The dates and presentations for each workshop follow

EB Open Days

All open days were held at the Merry Bells (village hall) Wheatley unless otherwise stated. 

  • WNP, 7 May 2016, on first Wheatley allocation of 180 homes, proposed in 2015, 100+ attended
  • WNP with SODC 13 July 2016, on Brookes site new proposal (1 June), 100+ attended (44 written responses, HCAD 3).
  • WNP 17 June 2017, part of Public Consultation 08 May – 30 June on Draft WNP, 260+ attended
  • WNP 25 May 2019, during Pre-Submission Consultation period. Open evening held at Wheatley Primary School. Presentations given by current and former SODC councillors (Alexandrine Kantor and Toby Newman) for Wheatley. Councillor Gray for Holton (though unwell) was consulted. Landowner agents were also present. A display was laid on. Some useful discussion of concerns followed the presentations. Approximately 55 attendees.
  • WNP 15 June 2019, in the last week of the Pre-Submission Consultation period. WNP ‘Surgery’ held 10:00 – 15:00 with display and discussion/ questions. Considerable interest was shown. Approximately 65 attendees.

EB Conversations

EB Conversation 1, [pre-WNP. JF present], Flood & Drainage C. with Thames Water, 23.10.2015 WNP–Flood-and-Drainage-with-Thames-Water-23-Oct-2015

EB Conversation 2, Flood and Drainage Committee (Roger Bettes), January and March 2016  WNP-Flood-and-Drainage-Committee-Mar.-2016

EB Conversation 3, Wheatley Park Academy Head of Chair of Governors, 23 May 2016 WNP-with-Wheatley-Park-Academy-Head-and-Chair-of-Govs-23-May-2016

EB Conversation 4, Sustainable Wheatley group & individuals expertise, July 2016 WNP sustainable wheatley

EB Conversation 5, August  2016 WPC and HPC chairs met with WNP representatives to discuss collaboration between the two parishes.

EB Conversation 6, Wheatley and Littleworth W.I. Sept. 2016 and WI written submission, Oct. 2016 WNP-Wheatley-Lworth-WI-Sept-2016-with-written-submission

EB Conversation 7, Wheatley Area Churches, 4 October 2016 WNP-Wheatley-Area-Churches-4-October-2016

EB Conversation 8, Age UK (Wheatley), November 2016 WNP-Age-UK-Wheatley-November-2016

EB Conversation 9, OBU 3rd Year Town Planning Students October – February 2016-17, see EB Research / Survey 21

EB Conversation 10, Oxford CE diocese – W. Primary Academy re land, buildings refurb, pupil capacity, community use / space links, 28 March 2017 WNP-Oxford-CE-Diocese-wide-ranging-28-March-2017

EB Conversation 11, Anne Lankester (Locality), Clinical Capacity (Surgery), 10 April 2017 WNP-Anne-Lankester-Clinical-Capacity-Group  WNP-Statutory-Body-re-Surgery-capacity-Draft-WNP-Pub.Con_.-May-2017

EB Conversation 12, Affordable Housing, Brookes, CPRE & Oxon NP’s Response to White Paper WNP-Affordable-Hsg-and-HWP-2017-FINAL-Joint-Response-docx

EB Conversation 13, St. Mary’s Church Guild, 23rd January 2018 WNP-St-Marys-Guild-discussion-23-Jan-2018

EB Public Consultations

EB Public Consultation 1, Straw Poll, May-June 2016  WNP-Straw-Poll-analysis-May-June-2016

EB Public Consultation 2, WNP / CFO Community Survey, Aug-Oct. 2016, a) Statutory Housing Needs Survey (SHNS) WNP-Housing-Needs

EB Public Consultation 3, WNP / CFO Community Survey, Aug – Oct, 2016, b) Community Opinion Survey (COS) WNP-Village-Opinions 

EB Public Consultation 4, Additional Village Opinions on Housing Needs, November 2016 (also in EB Research / Surveys) extra to ‘WNP Village Opinions’  WNP-Local-Views-on-Housing-extra-to-Housing-Needs-Survey-Nov-2016

EB Public Consultation 5, Statutory consultation May – June 2017, Holton and Wheatley Parish Councils  WNP Public Consultation with Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils, May-June 2017 Version 2

EB Public Consultation 6, May – June 2017, Archived Responses / Feedback WNP Open Day 17 June 2017

EB Public Consultation 7, Correspondence Feedback from Public Consultation 08 May – 30 June 2017, including Statutory Bodies and Landowners/agents Responses WNP May June Consultation, New List Responses and Hard Copies for Website, Nov 2017

EB Public Consultation 8, Wheatley and Littleworth W.I., written submission and internal ‘survey’, October 2016 – See EB Conversation 6

EB Public Consultation 9, Statutory Consultation Statement, WNP 2016-2018 [Drafted, but publication delayed until Strategic & Environmental Assessment report available]. The draft was never published however the final version  (completed August 2019) was submitted to the SODC and appeared on their website (September 2019) – here is a copy of this statement . Appendix 7_Consultation Statement

EB Public Consultation 10, Pre-submission Public Consultation 7 May – 21 June 2019. Flyer placed in Wheatley Newsletter and delivered to all households in Wheatley and Holton. The documents are those required, and made available for the public consultation. WNP Flyer March 2019_REG     WNP_document_v37    Appendix 1_Wheatley_character V4   Appendix 2_Site Selection V4  Wheatley NP – Env Report 190507    Wheatley NP – Env Report NTS 190507

EB Public Consultation 11, Response/analysis following Pre-submission Public Consultation 7 May – 21 June 2019 WNP_scan_CM_letter0001   WNP_Public_Consultation_Responses_2019_v02 WNP_Public_Consultation_Analysis_2019_v02

EB Response from Statutory Bodies

The collection of ‘Statutory responses to the Draft Neighbourhood Plans of  2017 and 2019’ are on the page accessed by this link  ‘Statutory Responses to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.

EB Research / Surveys

EB Research / Survey 1, Small Businesses at Wheatley Business Centre, Nov. 2016 WNP-Small-businesses-Whly-Business-Centre-Nov-2016

EB Research / Survey 2, Houses Built in Wheatley after 1980, 24.3% (final total, 17 December 2016) WNP-Wheatley-homes-2017-1773-of-which-431-24.3-built-since-c.-1980

EB Research / Survey 3, WNP Straw Poll, May – June 2016, 453/750. Scouts/Volunteers Team distribute/collect. WNP-Straw-Poll-analysis-May-June-2016 

EB Research / Survey 4, WNP private analysis of 234 (unpublished/unanalysed) SODC Consultation responses to OBU proposal, July 2016. Evidence believed contaminated – see Note to Analysis WNP-responses-to-SODC-LP32-Q-7-July-2016-unpublished-abstracted-analysed-by-WNP-Jan-2017

EB Research / Survey 5, Local Views on Housing extra to Housing Needs Survey (also in Public Consultations) WNP-Local-Views-on-Housing-extra-to-Housing-Needs-Survey-Nov-2016

EB Research / Survey 6, Parking Issues as highlighted in Straw Poll May – June 2016 WNP-Straw-Poll-and-Parking-Issues

EB Research / Survey 7, Parking Survey Jan 2017, Park Hill verges WNP-Park-Hill-grass-verge-Parking-January-2017

EB Research / Survey 8, Parking Survey Jan 2017, London Road laybys WNP-Parking-London-Rd-Jan.11-12-13-2017

EB Research / Survey 9, Parking in High Street and Church Road, Spring 2017 WNP-Church-Rd-with-High-St-Parking-Spring-2017-DM-and-DH

EB Research / Survey 10, Parking Survey Nov ’16 – April 2017, with Village Centre Improvement group WNP-Village-Centre-Parking-Survey-with-HSIG-Nov-2016-May2017

EB Research / Survey 11, Vehicles London Road x 3 days 7.30 – 8.30, 11-13 Jan 2017 (informal, pen and paper) WNP-Vehicle-volume-7.30-8.30-London-Rd-11-13-Jan-2017

EB Research / Survey 12, Vehicles Hollow Way and Park Hill, 20 & 27 Jan 2017, (as above) WNP-Vehicle-volume-Hollow-Way-and-Park-Hill-2-days-20-and-27-January-2017

EB Research / Survey 13, HGV Restrictions in Wheatley WNP Research, HGV Restrictions affecting Wheatley Aug.2017

EB Research / Survey 14, Air Quality Research Old London Road EB Old London Rd Air Quality, responses from residents,October 2017

EB Research / Survey 15, Air Quality, Wheatley 2006-2017 (WNP with SODC, Oct-November 2016) WNP-Air-Quality-Wheatley-2006-2017-WNP-with-SODC-Oct-Nov-2017

EB Research / Survey 16, Air Quality Research Old London Road Evidence Base, Old London Rd Air Quality 2, WNP Correspondence with SODC April 2018.

EB Research / Survey 17, Wheatley Footpaths Committee and Primary parents, July 2016. WNP-Primary-Academy-qaire-results-1

EB Research / Survey 18, Pavements and Footpaths (Housing and Land Use Team) mapped Feb 2017 – See EB Map 2

EB Research / Survey 19, All Outdoor Spaces, Paul Willmott, May 2017 WNP and All Outdoor Spaces_RG_v3

EB Research / Survey 20, Tree P.O.s, OB Campus, (after OCC work 2000 & OBU work 2012) WNP_BrookesTreesJune2017v4Nov17

EB Research / Survey 21, OBU 3rd Year Town Planning, Degree Project on developing OBU site for WNP, October-February 2016-17. Three WN committee members met with the students (2 x degree Presentations), helped shape and judge their 3rd year – including village & OBU site tours. Also, on 29 March 2019 WNP Chairman joined 6 Wheatley Park 6th Formers and about 30 OBU Foundation Course students (The Built Environment) to study the role of an NP in Land Use and Local Planning. The OBU Campus at Wheatley/Holton was used as the main illustration. ‘Student enthusiasm during the morning was heartening.’ (See Statutory Consultation Statement (in EB Public Consultations) Section 4.6 ‘Involving Young People in a Neighbourhood Plan’)

EB Research / Survey 22, Noise levels at various places – documents cover time in September 2015 (donated research/survey), and June 2019 WNP – St Mary’s Close Action Group – Noise Measurements_Sep2015WNP Research, EB Traffic Noise, Mill Green and A40_2019   WNP – Mill Green – Resident Noise Survey_2019 – AJ

Update September 2021: Correspondence between Mill Green Resident Directors (RD) [4] of Development and Chairman WNP Committee, Dec 2020 – April 2021.

Their new RD role includes landscaping and site litter. Residents were also all visited in house by house by WNP Committee members [2019] and invited to the July 2019 Public Consultation, pre-submission of Draft WNP to Examination. Residents are pursuing Taylor Wimpey (TW) over Noise and linked Pollution.

TW have agreed on more hedges and trees for the A40 Embankment, but the wooden fence needs a more sound-proof therefore more expensive replacement [‘acoustic shield’ as was allegedly discussed in preliminary planning discussions with residents].

Solicitors are requesting that SODC adopt both fence and embankment as their responsibilities.

EB Research / Survey 23,  An initial survey carried out July 2019. This  followed a suggestion from a Wheatley resident who had observed the area had become  a very good wildlife site – noting in particular the presence of many orchids.    WNP_WHE15_WHE17_biodiversity

EB Research / Survey 24, January 2022 ‘Wheatley Design Guidance and Codes’ document received from AECOM.   220201-Wheatley DDC_V2_LR

EB Maps

EB Map 1, WNP Neighbourhood Map, agreed January 2016.

EB Map 2, WNP Pavements and Footpaths (Audrey Parsons) Feb 2017; WNP Pavement Map v2


EB Map 4, OCC Protected Trees, Brookes site, Holton (TPOs, Species and Sources: Audrey Parsons. See EB Research / Survey 20)

EB Map 5, November 2019 ‘The Wheatley Heritage Trail’ was unveiled. WheatleyHeritageTrail

EB Miscellany

EB Miscellany 1, WNP Terms of Reference, 3rd & Final Version, 6 February 2016 EB Miscellany, 1, WNP Committee Terms of Reference, 2016.02.08

EB Miscellany 2, WNP Compliance Plan, 27 April, 2016 EB Miscellany, 2,WNP Compliance Plan 2016.04.27

EB Miscellany 3, Negotiations with CFO 13 April 2016; Fruitful EB Miscellany, 3. WNP and CFO meeting, 2016.04.13

EB Miscellany 4, Data Protection DataProtectionForWNP_May2018 and WNP Privacy Policy May 2018

EB Confidential Issues Register: Chair and vice-Chair sign for Inspector/Examiner only.

ByMark Davies

Oxford Brookes Wheatley Site Update

At the end of 2018 SODC refused the Outline Planning Permission requested for the Oxford Brookes Wheatley Campus in Holton. In July 2019 an appeal was lodged which led to the recent Public Inquiry.

22 – 31 October 2019 Public Inquiry held on the Brookes Wheatley Campus. Two members of the WNP committee – John Fox and Roy Gordon – spoke at the inquiry as interested third parties. Here are their comments: WNP_comments_OBU_appeal_v06_RG     WNP in OBU Appeal Procedure. Oct 2019_JF

The Following also spoke at the Public Inquiry: HPC chairman Robert Barter for Holton Parish Council, WPC Councillor Toby Newman for Wheatley Parish council, SODC Councillor Sarah Gray for Beckley and Holton, and a Resident of Holton.

4 November 2019 At WPC meeting Cllr Toby Newman gave a summary of the Public Inquiry/ OBU issues here is the presentation he gave WPC PresentationTN

23 April 2020 OBU Appeal for Outline Planning Permission was upheld by Secretary of State for Housing, [500 homes, Wheatley Campus Site, Holton] combined DL IR and R to C_Oxford Brookes University.pdf (1) also see WNP brief update to WPC 01 June 2020. and statement from the WPC in the June/July 2020 edition of the Wheatley Newsletter.

16 October 2020 WNP Committee Response to Public Consultation by Inspector of Draft LP 2034 LP2034_consultation_WNP Oct. 2020 Response_reg_02 Committee Draft.docx_1-1 (3)

ByMark Davies

WNP GDPR Compliance May 2018

1. WNP Data Protection Action, General Data Protection Regulation,

25 May 2018

See Hard Copy Archive Deposit, 15

1.1 Statement: WNP Committee, ICO Data Controller registration [ZA218210], is engaged in a ‘Public Task … specific in the public interest which is set out by law’ in the Locality Act 2011.

1.2 ‘Public Task’ replaces the former ‘public function’.

1.3 WNP Privacy Notice [see 2 below] ‘documents our decision that our data processing is necessary to perform the task we are responsible for’ in the public interest, to identify that task and authority and give basic information about our purposes and our lawful basis. All this in our ‘Privacy Notice’. A legal basis = ‘conditions for processing personal data.’

1.4 The Committee has had the help of Allan Hicks on Data Protection, throughout Consultation 2016-2018, and of Mark Davies running the WNP Website since mid 2016, with Audrey Parsons in support.

1.5 WNP Committee and Associates have shared email and phone number information since inception in January 2016.

1.6 15 December 2015, prior to the formation of the WNP Committee, attendees at a village meeting signed up as ‘Volunteer’, ‘Street rep’, ‘Interested’ or ‘Keep me informed’. The Chairman uses that original list (of phone numbers, emails, and a handful of street addresses). The original completed and signed lists have been archived. Numbers have dropped since 2015 from 163 to the current 125. Approx. every 1.5 to 2 months, information, reminders and/or calls for volunteers go out to this group. Twice the chairman has pressed the CC button and not the BCC button, apologised to everyone and reported himself to the WNP Data Protection Adviser. This contact list and the original sign-up papers will be destroyed after WNP Committee completes its Public Task.

1.7 We received many responses post-coded only. For example the Statutory Housing Needs Survey gave only Postcodes for identity. An alert about Air Quality on Old London Rd (next to A40 bypass) was received from two post-codes. It would have been unethical to probe, but coincidentally one complainant told WNP Chairman directly of the pollution; the other complainant was her neighbour and friend. Both agreed to take it further with WNP and SODC. [1] They are happy for names to remain on the Evidence Base account.

1.8 Immediately after Public Consultation May-June 2017, the names and contacts of respondents were exchanged for and solely published with archival number identity. The original detailed list is kept by the Chairman for the Examiner’s eyes only, and in a secure Hard Copy Archive). It will be destroyed when WNP Committee completes its Public Task [2]

1.9 In March 2018 WNP Chairman informed Wheatley Parish Councillors at their monthly meeting, of Data Protection implications. In recording Consultation between Parish Councillors and WNP, we have named those in elected or appointed public office (NP Committee members too form a delegated ‘sub-committee’) but we delete private individuals’ detail. Once NP evidence becomes redundant, all data contact information – hard copies of Straw Poll, of Statutory Survey, of Volunteer List, and of Pub. Con. responses currently held in the secure Hard Copy Archive – will be destroyed. [3]

1.10 WNP Chairman has checked all website detail, particularly the Evidence Base and has contacted those he felt should be informed that their contacts were in the public domain. Four private individuals were approached; they were happy that their name / details remain published. The ‘Volunteer’ list of Dec. 2015 were all approached too: one asked for their name to be deleted, which was done without question.

1.11 Neighbourhood Planning Consultation organisers prefer, but cannot demand proof of whether a respondent is a bona fide resident of an NP Area. Suspect returns do seem to get through Public Consultations when feelings run high. In January 2017 WNP volunteers checked 243 responses to Draft Local Plan about OBU and Wheatley suspected of being orchestrated from elsewhere in South Oxon [4].The WNP Committee, however, accept that Data Privacy, despite risk, is an absolute priority.

2. WNP Data Protection – GDPR Privacy Notice

Neighbourhood planning is an opportunity for communities to shape development in their community through the production of Neighbourhood Development Plans (among other things).

A Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) sits alongside the Local Plan produced by South Oxfordshire District Council and the policies contained within the NDP are used in the determination of planning applications.

Wheatley Parish Council has set up a Steering Group in order to produce an NDP for Wheatley. The Steering Group must collect information from the community in order to develop the plan.

The Steering Group needs to collect:

contact details for community members such as name, address, telephone number or email address

information about the extent to which the SG has surveyed the community for its views.

This survey information is required for an approval of the NDP and will record to what extent people have attended Neighbourhood Planning meetings or responded to survey requests.

The purpose(s) for which the Steering Group collects this information are to produce a database to enable contact with members of the community and to record that survey data. The lawful basis for doing so is the Locality Act 2011.

The only organisations with which the Steering Group may share the information are South Oxfordshire District Council and/or an Independent Examiner who checks whether the proposed NDP meets certain conditions before it can be approved.

When this sort of information is collected, there has to be a Data Controller responsible for how it is processed, and that Data Controller has to be registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

The Steering Group is that Data Controller and is registered as such. You can review the registration by using this link:

Enter registration reference number ZA218210 (nothing else is needed).

If you have any questions about this or wish to check or have deleted any of your data, then please contact:

By letter – Wheatley Parish Council, Merry Bells, 89A High Street, Wheatley OX33 1XP

By email –

3. WNP Data Protection – Letter to Committee Members/Associates

Dear WNP committee members and associates (previous and present),

Most, if not all, of you are aware that new data protection regulations are coming into law on the 25th of May. The consequences of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) coming has meant a review/update of the documentation/actions that the WNP  make/take concerning data protection.  To help in this process the following questions have been formulated for all to answer.

WNP and Data Protection(NB: for the purposes of these questions a ‘member of the public’ is taken to mean : a person not directly involved in WNP (eg. does not include WNP Committee members/associates), or is not an officer or councillor at SODC or Parish level when ‘involved’ in the WNP process etc.)

Please answer all questions that follow by deleting/adding text as appropriate:

1. Do you contact (by email,phone or post) members of the public directly, using personal information to address them, concerning the WNP? Yes / No

If yes, a) What category of persons do you contact? (do not give actual names)

  b) Why?

2. Have you had placed on the WNP website any documentation containing the name/other person identifying data for any members of the public?  Yes / No

If yes, a) Please list the names of the documents.

b) Do you have the permission of the member of the public involved to have these data on the website?

3. Have you in your possession any personal data on any members of the public in hard copy or electronically?  Yes / No

If yes, a) What type of information? (do not give actual data)

  b) Why?

 Name :

Connection with WNP:


Audrey Parsons,

WNP Committee,

Data Protection and WNP Website assistant administrator

4. Acknowledgement from SODC

From Sam Townley, SODC, re. WNP Compliance with GDPR,

01 October, 2018

Good Afternoon John

 Apologies for the delay. I have reviewed both consultation statement text and GDPR implementation notes and have no comments to make; your group seems to be operating good practice with data protection.

 The consultation statement will be reviewed again when the plan is submitted.

Kind Regards

 Mr Sam Townley

Neighbourhood Planning Enquiries Officer

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils



EB Research / Survey 14, Air Quality Research Old London Road EB Old London Rd Air Quality, responses from residents,October 2017

EB Research / Survey 15,  Air Quality, Wheatley 2006-2017 (WNP with SODC, Oct-November 2016)  WNP-Air-Quality-Wheatley-2006-2017-WNP-with-SODC-Oct-Nov-2017

EB Research / Survey 16, Air Quality Research Old London Road Evidence Base, Old London Rd Air Quality 2, WNP Correspondence with SODC April 2018.


HCAD (Hard Copy Archive Deposit) 6, Public Consultation 2017, Public Responses, 56-109


HCAD 9, WNP in Consultation with WPC and HPC, 20 June 2017


EB Research / Survey 4, WNP private analysis of 234 (unpublished/unanalysed) SODC Consultation responses to OBU proposal, July 2016.  Evidence believed contaminated – see Note to Analysis.   WNP-responses-to-SODC-LP32-Q-7-July-2016-unpublished-abstracted-analysed-by-WNP-Jan-2017

ByMark Davies

Updating the Number 300 2016-2018

‘…at least 300 homes’

Draft Local Plan Allocation figures, 2016-2018, Oxford Brookes University Wheatley Campus, ‘Strategic Site’ and ‘Complex Case’

‘[WNP] needs to be in General Conformity with an existing adopted Local Plan as a Basic Condition …[or with] the strategic polices of a new Local Plan when adopted … [an NP] can also anticipate uncertainty in a Local Plan by using well-evidenced criteria-based policies to influence scale and location.’ 

(Planning Advice England, Royal Town Planning Institute, to WNP, June 2016)

  1. Draft LP 2032 (2015) allocated 180 homes to Wheatley in 2015. WNP convened Jan. 2016.
  2. 01 June 2016, Second Draft LP 2032 exempted Wheatley from allocation, proposing instead a strategic ‘mixed-use development’ with ‘likely net capacity of at least 300 dwellings’ on the OBU site [p.39]: WNP and Stakeholders to agree. This was followed with ‘300 homes allocated on a brownfield site’ [p.88, number stated without qualification].
  1. 13 July 2016, Open Day, SODC Draft Local Plan 2032 and WNP combined. Display map of OBU Campus site was confusing (campus map appeared to be co-terminous with the development site map). WNP Adviser said ‘It should not have been used’.
  2. Excerpt, letter from Sue Holmes, Estates Director, Oxford Brookes University, to John Fox,Chairman Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan, 11 August 2016

    ‘We have decided to sell Wheatley Campus. … We have had an initial discussion with senior SODC officers. As you know SODC identifies our site for … at last 300 dwellings in its Local Plan, currently out to consultation. I also understand the [WNP] considers housing the preferred use for the site*. With our charitable status [we] have an obligation to realise best value … from residential development. However the possibility of some or all of the site being re-used for a use other than housing cannot be discounted.

    The SODC Local Plan refers to ‘at least 300 dwellings’ on the site, but in discussions with senior council officers and others, we know that the site has the potential to make a greater contribution to the area’s housing targets. Based on other sites of this size, type and location, a more realistic but conservative is double that figure … we would be looking to propose significantly more than 300 dwellings.’

    *Note from WNP chairman John Fox‘At this time the WNP had no opinion to express as full consultation of the community had yet to be completed.’

  1. July-November 2016 figures of between 600-900 homes for the OBU site in Oxon press were read by many as allocations, as shown in the responses from wider South Oxon to LP Public Consultation, and in sessions of Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils. In October-November capacity-testing by OBU Agents for ‘750 homes’ on the OBU site was dramatised in the press and read by many as a planning application. WNP  published a refutation / clarification in November to puncture the bubble. The ambiguity damaged public debate in the community.
  2. 07 September 2016, WNP invited Planning Officers to Wheatley to answer questions. Meeting attended by by A. Yeates, HPC Chairman, and two SODC Planning Officials invited to help clarify Draft Local Plan issues. See summarised points  notably Q 3 and Q 4 on the OBU site. Apologies were given for the confusing maps used in latest LP Public Consultation. It was stated that ‘SODC cannot agree that they will not approve [600] … as a survey [capacity] needs to be done first’. It was further stated the concern over the confusion caused not just by statements but also by mapping used during Public Consultation, that taking any of the OBU site beyond the agreed built-form out of Green Belt for housing development would still require ‘exceptional circumstances.’  Neither 300 nor 600 were denied or confirmed, but described as ‘minimums only’ and ‘not yet tested’. For record of the meeting with the planners go to,  EB SODC 4 WNP and Holton PC Chair question Plan Officers, 07 September 2016, summary. (a fuller account of answers to that shown in the minutes) or EB WNP Committee Minutes, 10, 2016 09 07                               WNP turned aside to get on with its Statutory Survey(s), August-October. 
  3. 06 December 2016, WNP met with SODC Chairman, Planners and two new Advisers. ‘End of the 750 homes sensation !’ [SODC Chairman]. Local Green Space, it was suggested, might help replace Green Belt. The allocation figure of ‘300 homes’ was tacitly accepted. Go to EB SODC 6, WNP meet with SODC Chairman and new adviser, 06 Dec 2016  for record of meeting with SODC.
  4. First Draft WNP sent to Advisers for comment 03 March 2017. WNP  was asked to delete ‘at least 300 houses’, and parishes advised to request OBU site be made Local Green Space  and abide by a looser re-drawn outline OBU site. Confidentiality was required. WNP decided  to convene both its parish councils on 13 March, to inform and clear the air.
  5. Draft LP 2033 (1),  29 March 2017, advocated ‘at least 300 homes’. The Policy Box also confirmed ‘approximately 300 homes’ all  ‘on the built form’.
  6. 20 June, 2017, WNP, WPC and HPC met for NP Public Consultation. The figures 300 and 750 still distracted, one councillor requesting that WPC resign itself to 750 and abandon  WNP support for a consistent 300 as ‘bravado’.
  7. October-November 2017 LP 2033 (2), Public Consultation: ‘at least 300 new homes [to reflect] existing pattern of built development existing built form provides significant  footprint and volume in determining any planning application.’ Policy Box ‘at least 300 new homes in a scheme of appropriate scale and layout to respect listed buildings and structures, to buffer and protect scheduled monuments and to retain the quantum of existing sports pitches’. [pp. 48-52]
  1. 30 November 2017, Oxfordshire CC response to 10. above: ‘the acceptable quantum in the allocation should be much clearer … some 300 homes [because] ‘at least 300’ provides little guidance [and] should be replaced with ‘approximately 300′. With reference to the OBU Agent’s ‘surprising’ attempt in 2016 to show space for ‘up to 750 homes’, OCC pointed out that transport and both schools would be unduly stretched, unless by the time of Inspection of LP 2033 it can be shown the impact on them can be mitigated.’
  2. In February 2018 OBU agents GVA submitted outline proposals for developing the Campus site with 500 homes across its East- West extremities. This clashed with the original Local Draft Plan limits of 300 homes on the built-form (first stated, June 2016) to the east of the site. A further amendment was added in October 2018. Local opposition was strong. It was put to SODC Planning Committee on 28 November 2018 and rejected by councillors by 8:1(abstention) on many stated grounds, including lack of adequate infrastructure – traffic, doctors, schools – and lack of connectivity with existing settlements. The 500 houses would have had no facilities (save a token proposed small shop) and no dedicated pedestrian bridge (save the existing Holton fly-over with expanded pavements and narrowed road lanes.)
  1. Final Draft Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan. To be added when published 2018
ByMark Davies

The Committee Response to GVA Proposals for Oxford Brookes Site

Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan Committee

Response to GVA proposals for OBU site.

  1. Since summer 2016, after the announcement (01 June 2016) of the OBU Strategic Site, WNP has attended all OBU ‘stakeholder’ meetings up to the end of 2017. GVA appears to have stretched limits and displayed limited understanding of the locality and the concerns of ‘stakeholders’.
  1. WNP concurs fully with Local Plan 2033 which states the desired number of homes at 300 and their location on the ‘built form’ only. The number of homes proposed since 01 June 2016 has been monitored and recorded by WNP with the growing concurrence of SODC.
  1. The proposal uses land designated as Green Belt and therefore extends beyond the area permitted for housing.
  1. The proposals, even in outline, are for a spread of homes, some 750 in the pre-application and some 500 in the outline application. They do not acknowledge sufficiently the need for integration (be it for 500 or 750 homes) with Wheatley and Holton. The LP and WNP concur in reserving retail space on the built form; WNP supports Holton’s aspiration for a pathway from the OBU site to the Community Hall. GVA mention only vague cycle and pedestrian access to Wheatley which even in an outline application is too serious to be relegated. The weighty issues of local traffic, local rush hour traffic and a crowded A40 flyover are of general concern to Wheatley and Holton.
  1. This large group of housing will rely on Wheatley services, there being none in Holton. Given Wheatley’s lack of parking and existing traffic bottlenecks there needs to be a safe, short and convenient route for pedestrians and cyclists to access Wheatley’s primary school, shops, churches, health centre, buses and other facilities. Without this the housing will not become integrated into the existing village fabric and will remain a car-reliant commuter dormitory which simply exacerbates existing infrastructure shortcomings.
  1. In ignoring the limit of the built-form designated in the Local Plan 2033 the proposals disregard the setting of Holton Park itself, an important historic site in English and Oxford (as royal capital) Civil War history. This is emphasised by Neighbourhood Plan and its statutory consultee, Historic England. The development compromises the parkland setting of the listed building and the housing at the elevated southwest corner of the site will have an unacceptable visual impact on the Green Belt.
  1. Road access West and East is omitted; use of the term ‘University highway’ is excessive; passing mention of cycle and particularly pedestrian access is insufficient.
  1. There appears to be no provision made for parking at the sports pavilion.

9. On 21st Feb WNP also sent the WNP Tree Survey of Holton Park, Evidence Base Research 12

John Fox, Chairman, submitting on Behalf of Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan Committee

15 February 2018


10. October 2018 responses made to amended Brookes proposals – see details in the Evidence Base under ‘EB Brookes Information for Stakeholders’.

ByMark Davies

Public Responses to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan

The consultation on the Draft Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan closed at the end of June and in addition to the Statutory Responses posted previously we have been delighted with the engagement received from the community. To achieve this the committee put a lot of effort into publicising the consultation:

The responses collected are as follows:

Open Day Feedback – WNP Open Day 17 June 2017

Public Responses collated – Public Consultation written responses from residents WNP Public Consultation responses v3

Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils –  WNP Public Consultation with Wheatley and Holton Parish Councils, May-June 2017 Version 2

A variety of Developer or Agency Responses:

EB Pub.Con., Developer or Agent Responses, Beechcroft, The Railway, 30.06.17.

EB Pub.Con., Developer or Agent Responses, GVA for Oxf. Brookes, 30.06.17.

EB Pub.Con, Developer or Agent Response, Greaves of Castle Hill Farm, WHE 14 and WHE 13a, 29.06.17

EB Pub.Con., Developer or Agent Responses, for John Dykes, WHE 16, 29.06.17.

EB Pub.Con., Developer or Agent Responses,Taylor Wimpey, WHE 2 (2) 30.06.17

EB Pub.Con. Developer or Agent Responses, Taylor Wimpey, WHE 2, (1)

Commercial Feedback:

Expressions of Interest in Light Commercial Development: Cornfield Bakery – WNP Public Responses, Commercial Development Interests (Cornfield Bakery)


ByMark Davies

Statutory Responses to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan


A total of 36 Statutory Bodies (SB) were contacted for WNP Final Public Consultation, 07 May – 21 June 2019. Ten SB sent substantial responses which are published here. Ten SB acknowledged receipt of documents. Sixteen SB did not respond. The two newly-elected (02 May) Ward Councillors for Beckley (including Holton) and for Wheatley, SODC Cllrs Gray and Kantor, were also contacted and engaged in phone discussions / correspondence with WNP Chairman.

Oxfordshire County Council – OCC response to Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan June 2019

South Oxfordshire District Council – SODC 2019-06 -19 Wheatley draft pre-submission consultation response [APPROVED] PDF

Wheatley Parish Council – WPC response to WNP 2019

Holton Parish Council – HPC response to WNP 2019

Historic England – Historic England 2019-06-19 Wheatley NP Pre-Submission HE RLS comments

CPRE Oxfordshire – CPRE response to WNP 2019

Thames Water – Thames Water 19.06.17 L CT South Oxfordshire Wheatley Draft Neighbourhood Plan 

Thames Water 19.06.17 L CT South Oxfordshire Wheatley Draft Neighbourhood Plan Site S…

National Grid – Nationalgrid Wheatley NP REP 07.06.19

Natural England – Natural England response to WNP 2019

Sport England – SportEngland Response to WNP 2019



The consultation on the draft Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan ended on the 30th June 2017 and since then we have been busily collating all of your feedback. In addition to the valuable responses from the community we’ve also received a lot of feedback from many of the statutory bodies we’ve engaged with.  We consider the letters from the Oxfordshire County Council, Natural England, Historic England and The Environment Agency to be particularly important:

Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group – EB WNP Pub.Con. response Clin. Com. Group. 17 May 2017

Oxfordshire County Council – EB Statutory Responses, OCC, WNP Pub.Con. May-June 2017

Thames Water – EB Statutory Responses, Thames Water, Pub.Con, May-June 2017

Homes and Community Agency – EB Statutory Responses, Homes and Communities, Pub.Con.May-June 2017

Natural England – EB Statutory Responses, Nat Eng WNP Pub.Con. May-June 2017

Historic England – EB Statutory Responses, Hist. Eng. WNP Pub.Con. May-June 2017

The Environment Agency – EB Statutory Response, Environment Agency, WNP Pub.Con.May-June 2017

Highways England, Pub. Con. Response 19th May – No comment as not affecting A34

Health and Safety Executive, Pub. Con. Response 7 June – No representation to make

Homes and Communities Agency (Carter Jonas representing) re. Chalgrove Airfield

CPRE – Acknowledged x 2 July 2017; workshop with, March 2017; referred to SODC/CPRE Committee

CTIL (Telecoms) – Acknowledged, May 2017

Consortium Policy Research, England – Acknowledged, July 2017

Gardens Trust – Acknowledged, June 2017

Gigaclear – Acknowledged, June 2017

Network Rail Assets – Nil Response

Plant Protection – Acknowledged, May 2017

SSA Planning – Acknowledged, May 2017

Southern Electric – Acknowledged, July 2017 (mystified)

Sports England – 9 August 2017 – WNP Statutory Bodies, Pub. Consultation, May-June 2017, Sport England

Chilterns Conservation Board – WNP Chilterns Conservation Board May 2018

Non-statutory but recommended by LGO office:

Royal Town Planning Institute (Planning Advice England, Neighbourhood Planning) – Detailed Response June 2017

New Responses – added 1st August 2017:

The National Grid – Wheatley NP National Grid Response 19.06.17

SODC – WNP pre-submission draft plan – SODC Response 27 07 17