Update from the Chair

ByMark Davies

Update from the Chair

May 2016

We distributed Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan leaflets in Wheatley and Holton during April, presented our project to the Annual Parish Meeting (20.04), and welcomed over 100 to our first Open Day (07.05) who left us opinions, ideas and concerns in writing we are now analysing (12.05). These include 40 completed initial questionnaires asking three open questions on how people currently see their village. Our first task is to listen to village feeling about the community. Housing and Land Use are our core mandate, including options for the Brookes site after 2021. In September SODC will publish its allocation for new housing here, forecast to be around 180 homes. We will then turn discussion to the pros and cons of developing various sites – and other possibilities. So far 28 ‘Street Reps’ have volunteered to deliver and collect initial questionnaires from neighbours: many more needed and warmly welcome!

John Fox, Chairman WNP Committee


About the author

Mark Davies editor

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