Daily Archive 6th May 2017

ByMark Davies

The consultation is about to begin…

Statutory Public Consultation
Emerging Wheatley Neighbourhood Plan

May-June 2017

The Consultation has been introduced at the new format Wheatley Annual Parish Assembly, (Wheatley Primary, 03 May 2017.) WNP was represented in the general Q. and A. session which followed. Holton Parish is fully involved in drawing up The Emerging Plan and First copies of the Draft WNP will be sent to Councillors of both Parishes before their bi-monthly meetings on 08 May. Wheatley Parish Council, as the Qualifying Body, will then formally initiate Consultation. A dedicated meeting of each PC with WNP Committee reps is suggested for the week beginning 29 May, after Bank Holiday Monday and when people will have had 3 weeks to digest The Draft Plan.

The Public Consultation will receive feedback for ‘at least six weeks’ from the community, from SODC and OCC, and from other required bodies. ‘At least six weeks Consultation’ is required for a response from the community, from SODC and OCC. However it will end formally Friday 30 June, to allow slack for half-term, Bank Holiday and the General Election. SODC hope to hold the Community Referendum in September to validate [‘make’] the WNP.

The new SODC Emerging Local Plan 2033 of 29 March is not holding an Open Day in Wheatley, although it is a strategic site. Please note, Public Consultation responses to LP2033 above are due in to SODC by 17 May. [Google pdf version SODC LP2033 2nd Preferred Options Document]

Electronic copies of the Draft WNP will be sent to:
– SODC, OCC and 13 other statutory bodies
 Parish Clerks and Chairs of PCs
 all on the WNP contact list in Holton and Wheatley
 all groups, societies and organisations consulted by WNP Committee and Volunteers.

It will be available on the WNP and Parish Council websites [www.wheatleyparishcouncil.gov.uk; www.holtonparishcouncil.org.uk; www.wheatleyneighbourhoodplan.co.uk .]

Hard copies will be available in Wheatley Library and Wheatley Parish Office.
Also by appointment with Sonja Barter, Clerk to Holton PC (872334) and
copy held in Holton Village Hall.
Public Computers are available in Wheatley Library for electronic access.

Comment and feedback:
 electronically to John Fox, wnpchairman@gmail.com , or to Parish Clerks
 through Parish and WNP websites ,
 written to Wheatley Parish Office or to box in Wheatley Post Office
 and in Person on WNP Open Day(s) / mini-Display sessions.

John Fox